We apologize for the brief delay in launching CFMA’s new education and certification platforms. The CCIFP Recertification deadline has been extended to April 30, 2025. We truly appreciate your patience as we put the finishing touches on changes that are designed to improve and enhance your CFMA experience!
Northwest Ohio CFMA Committees
This group guides our Chapter based on their past roles as proven Chapter Leaders. The group is comprised of past Chapter Presidents, CFMA National Directors or Officers and appointed Chapter Members. The Chapter President leads this committee. Chapter Leaders serve three-year commitments (one year as Vice-President of Membership, one year as Vice-President of Programs, and one year as President). Members serve a minimum of one year.
Committee is responsible for the development and planning of all monthly Chapter Meetings which run from September to May. These programs will be relevant and informational to members. Vice President of Programs chairs the committee with members having a one-year time commitment.
Committee is responsible for the Chapter’s membership recruitment and retention. Will assist with On Boarding and assigning Mentors to new members. Reaching out to members prior to meeting to encourage attendance to monthly meetings. Vice President of Membership chairs the committee with members have a one-year time commitment.
Committee is responsible to organizing the annual scholarship golf outing to provide Bowling Green State University and University of Toledo Accounting students with scholarships. Committee will have at least two chairs having a two-year time commitment and a one-year commitment for members of the committee.
Committee is responsible for organizing and planning two social events per year for the purpose of engaging members and networking. Committee will have at least one chair and members with a year commitment.
Committee is responsible for the planning of the regional conference for which our chapter is responsible every four years. The speakers and topics will be relevant and informational to attendees. As hosts, make other chapters feel welcome and included in all events. Committee will have at least one chair and members will serve an eighteen-month commitment.
If you are interested in volunteering for a committee now or in the future, please contact the listed chairs below.
Steering Cheryl Koeniger CherylKoeniger@aaboos.com
Programs Teri Goins Teri@office.spiekercompany.com
Membership Tom Nemeth TomNemeth@ssoe.com
Golf Jim Lortie/Laura Brandt Jim.Lortie@ubs.com
Fun/Social OPEN
Buckeye Conf Bob Bobek RBobek@gjmltd.com